New PERFORM2Scale papers

10 Jul 2024
A large group of standing, smiling African and European men and women in a garden

Three new papers have been recently published by the PERFORM2Scale team.

A new scale to assess health-facility level management: the development and validation of the facility management scale in Ghana, Uganda, and Malawi looks at the development of a Facility-level Management Scale, testing its reliability in psychometric properties in three African contexts. Read this BMC Health Services Research paper here.

De facto health governance policies and practices in a decentralized setting of Ghana: Implication for policy making and implementation assesses the de facto health governance policies and practices of the decentralized health system of Ghana and its implications, for better policy formulation and implementation. Read this Science Social and medicine: Health Systems paper here

From PERFORM to PERFORM2Scale: Lessons from scaling-up a health management strengthening intervention to support Universal Health Coverage in three African countries seeks to examine the process of scaling-up a management strengthening intervention and to identify new knowledge and key lessons learned that can be used to inform the scale-up process of other complex health interventions, in support of UHC. Download this Health Policy and Planning paper here.

Ghana; Uganda; Malawi; DHMT